The Gordon Wright Wurlitzer

This instrument was originally a Wurlitzer Style 235, installed in the Melba Theater in Dallas. It stayed there until Gordon Wright purchased it in the mid '70s and removed it. He did extensive renovation and added some ranks, including custom-made replicas of Wurlitzer Brass Sax and Brass Trumpet, and a replica of a Gottfried English Horn. He also added a second Tibia Clausa and a second Vox Humana.

Great care was taken in installing the instrument. The house was built with a large listening room, with pipe chambers on the second floor, speaking into the listening room. The pipe chambers were constructed with concrete floors, and insulated, double thick, plastered walls. Regulators and tremulants were isolated from the chambers to reduce wind noise, and open space under the chests for easier maintenance.

Percussions were installed in a third chamber at the third floor level, speaking into the top peak of the listening room.

Since his death in October of 2009, his family is now looking for a good home for the instrument.

The last concert on the organ was played by Donnie Rankin, in October of 2008. It may be heard here (Warning, this is a single large (48 MBytes) file). Photos of the instrument can be seen here.
RankNum PipesStartNotes
Main Chamber
Tibia Clausa8'73
English Horn8'61Gottfried Copy by Wickes, 1970's
Vox Humana8'61
Viol Celeste8'73
Concert Flute16'97
Viol D'Orch8'73
Oboe Horn8'61
Solo Chamber
Tibia Clausa16'85
Vox Humana8'61
Orch Oboe8'61
Brass Trumpet8'61New - Bizik /Schopps copy of Wurlitzer
Solo String8'73
Brass Saxaphone8'61New - Bizik /Schopps copy of Wurlitzer

Stop List