Side Effects of Electricity Generation
We all enjoy the benefit of the energy cariied by the electricity that
enters our home. Do you know that there are some side effects of
your electric consumption? Your electric company probably burns fossil
fuel to create your electricity. This discharges various substances into the
air, including Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Particulate Matter,
Carbon Dioxide, and Volatile Organic Compounds. In addition, because
of inefficiency in the power plant, your consumption generates waste
heat that is usually dissipated by the evaporation of water.
This worksheet helps you estimate what your personal share of
each of these effects is. Enter the amount of electricity that you
consume and the type of fuel that your utility burns, and your share
of these side effects will be displayed.
use of
kilowatt-hours of electricity, if your power plant generates power from
emits approximately the following mix of pollutants each year.
I have made considerable effort to present correct information.
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